Electronic Signature for Germany and Austria

White Paper: Electronic signatures for legally secure declarations of intent

Constantly updated by us: The most important information about legal and technical aspects for designing legally secure declarations of intent using electronic signatures.

This detailed white paper is aimed at anyone who is working on digitizing processes that require signatures and is considering using electronic signatures in their company. It helps you avoid misunderstandings, understand your requirements as best as possible and quickly find concrete solutions.

The white paper also supports interested parties from companies that already use signature solutions and are interested in how electronic signing can be made more user-friendly, more cost-effective and more evidential.

Germany | Main topics of the white paper:

  • Explanations of terms
  • Types of signing certificates
  • Key question for signature applications
  • E-signatures and e-seals
  • Admission of e-documents in court
  • Documents without formal requirements
  • Advanced electronic signature
  • Priorities for digital signing

📥 Electronic Signature
for legally secure declarations if intent in Germany

Austria | Main topics of the white paper:

  • Explanations of terms
  • Types of signing certificates
  • Technology standards
  • E-signatures and e-seals
  • Qualified electronic signature
  • Provider of trust services
  • Advanced electronic signature
  • Criteria for trustworthy signing

📥 Electronic Signature
for legally secure declarations if intent in Austria

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