Digital signature certificates

Get your simple, advanced or qualified signature certificate and sign documents with full legal value

Digital signature certificates

As a Qualified Trust Service Provider (QTSP), we issue digital certificates that can be used for affixing any type of digital signature or for secure authentication to online services of the Public Administration.

Namirial’s signature certificates can be used for CAdES digital signatures (to sign any type of file), PAdES (for PDF files) and XAdES (for XML files), and for Qualified Electronic Seals for signing legal entities. They also allow the creation of LTV (Long Term Validation) signatures that are valid even after the expiration of the signature certificate and time stamp applied to documents. CNS-type authentication certificates can be used for secure access to PA online services.

All our certificates can be installed on physical devices (smart cards or tokens) or remain secure on our HSM servers. In addition to certificates that can be used multiple times for recurring signature processes, we also provide single-use certificates for use cases where a one-shot signature is required.

Signing documents with digital signatures

Authentication of users to PA online services

Our solution for signature certificates

Standard signature certificates last from one to three years and can be local or remote.

Local certificates are contained in a SIM installed on a smart card or USB token, which can also be Bluetooth. Remote certificates, on the other hand, remain secure on Namirial’s HSM (Hardware Security Module) type servers.

Standard certificates require prior identification and registration of the holder, either in person via a Namirial representative or remotely via video identification.

Single-use signature certificates can be used for advanced or qualified signature, last a maximum of sixty minutes from issuance and are valid for one use only (“disposable” or “one-shot” signature). The user identifies him/herself at the time and independently using SPID or CIE.

All the advantages of our solution

For every context

Namirial certificates allow you to sign all kinds of documents and authenticate to PA online services.

One-shot signature

Single-use certificates allow the issuance of “disposable” digital signatures.

Guaranteed validity

Our role as a Qualified Trust Service Provider guarantees the validity of issued certificates.

Environmental sustainability

The use of digital certificates helps reduce the environmental impact of our daily actions.

Physical and remote

Certificates can stay on devices given to the user or remain on Namirial secure servers.

Signing with SPID or CIE

With single-use certificates, the user identifies him/herself with SPID or CIE.

Target markets and use cases


  • Insurance contracts
  • Instant access to signed policies
  • Payment defaults and approvals

Banking and Fintech

  • Opening checking accounts
  • Signing consumer loans
  • Issuing financial products


  • Activation of new SIMs
  • Consent collection
  • Access restricted web areas

Human resources

  • Dematerialization of employment contracts
  • Acceptance of company regulations and policies

Success stories

  • About Finstreet  finstreet is an innovation and digitalization consultancy specializing in the financial services industry. Since 2014, they have been developing, designing, coding, launching and marketing digital innovations for the financial industry of tomorrow. With over 100 employees, finstreet specializes in the development of individual solutions and the provision of SaaS products.  Challenges and reasons for implementing…

  • With Namirial Onboarding, the hearing aid company has digitized and made its product delivery workflows faster and more secure.

  • With Namirial Digital Signature, the cosmetics company has simplified and speeded up workflows within its sales network.

  • With PKI infrastructure, Digital Signature and a signature verification web application, we are the trusted technology providers of Italian notaries.

  • With Namirial SPIDgateway, we accompanied the IT company through the accreditation process in Italy with AgID to become a SPID service provider.