ID Hub

Identity verification via national digital identity schemes notified to the EU Commission (such as SPID, CIE or ID Austria) and already used by millions of users

ID Hub

ID Hub is the identification system designed for all organisations that want to give users access to their online services through credentials they already hold, federated identities obtained under the various national digital identity programmes and in compliance with the eIDAS Regulation.

ID Hub allows people’s identity to be confirmed remotely through identity verification, user authentication and electronic signature.

It is a solution specifically designed to enable businesses and public administrations to make their online services immediately accessible to users, guaranteeing authentication in accordance with European standards.

Namirial ID Hub minimises the impact on existing systems and enables easy integration of various eIDAS identity schemes.

Adopting the bring-your-own-identity (BYOI) model, ID Hub enables organisations to quickly and easily capture their users’ certified data to speed up the onboarding process.


Secure identification via national eID schemes that return authentic data


In third-party applications, via standard API (OATH 2, OpenID Connect)


With one simple integration, numerous eIDs are supported, facilitating business scalability on an international scale

Our solution Namirial ID Hub

We currently support several notified schemes from Italy (SPID and CIE), Austria (ID Austria), France (Identité Numérique) and Germany (German ID – Ausweis App), and we are continuing to strengthen our coverage in order to offer the simplest experience to users. Depending on the purpose of the identification, the implementation could also include support to complete any bureaucratic processes for accreditation as a Service Provider of notified identity schemes. For example, we assist those who wish to become SPID Service Providers or Aggregators in a smooth and trouble-free manner.

Namirial ID Hub is a SaaS service that works as an authentication layer that makes the complexity of each eID scheme transparent to applications by exposing standard interfaces (OIDC / Oath2) that make integration possible in hours.

Through a simple and intuitive UI, Namirial ID Hub allows the user to select their eID (from a list showing all supported ones). ID Hub manages user authentication with the Identity Provider, thus obtaining the user’s master data in a certified manner, so that it can be used for the onboarding process and returned to the calling application when needed.

All the advantages of our solution


The product can be customized to handle different Single Sign On systems based on any technology.

Easy integration and high scalability

A modular architecture makes the platform easy to integrate and quickly scalable.


Integration does not require changes in authentication flows: the SPID/CIE login phase is transparent to the existing application.

AgID specification compliance

The gateway can handle all structural, implementation and functional changes necessary to comply with the technical specifications defined by AgID.

Security levels

The system allows you to choose from each of the three security levels defined for SPID authentication, corresponding to the levels specified in the international standard ISO-IEC 29115.

Support for accreditation as a SPID service provider

Our experience in integrating SPID authentication enables us to provide fundamental technical and administrative support for the entire process of accreditation as a SPID service provider.

Load balancing and high reliability

The solution uses a stateless communication paradigm and lends itself perfectly to a high reliability and load balancing configuration.

SAML V2 compliant

Namirial ID Hub uses and fully supports the SAML v2 framework for the Web Browser SSO profile.

SPID attribute management

The solution allows in a few steps to select the list of attributes needed for online service, from those belonging to the user’s SPID digital identity.


We follow the guidelines issued by the European Banking Authority (EBA) for remote verification and the European and national directives and regulations on Anti-Money Laundering (AML) to be followed by financial, banking and insurance clients for remote digital customer onboarding.


Namirial Onboarding enables comprehensive Know Your Customer (KYC) and Know Your Business (KYB) processes to assist financial, banking and insurance institutions in verifying the identities of individuals and companies with whom they do business.


The solution offers different levels of security in order to be able to counter fraud according to needs and possible risks. As a trusted and regulated service provider, we have in-depth experience and a constantly active team of experts to analyse cases according to countries, documents, potential attack vectors, security threats and process risks.


What is Namirial ID Hub and how does it work?

Namirial ID Hub is a platform that allows users to authenticate themselves using the digital identities they hold and issued by various European eID providers. It integrates with national eID systems to provide secure and seamless authentication for accessing online services.

What is the effort required to integrate Namirial ID Hub into my processes?

The impact is minimal: Namirial ID Hub is a cloud-based service and is designed to minimise the impact on existing systems and processes. As a SaaS service, it is fully scalable and able to respond with extreme versatility to growing needs.

What are the security benefits of Namirial ID Hub?

By allowing users to authenticate using existing electronic identities (eIDs), Namirial ID Hub improves the security of organisations by ensuring that only verified users can access services, thereby eliminating the risk of unauthorised access and drastically reducing the risk of fraud.

How are the different identity providers integrated with Namirial ID Hub managed?

Namirial ID Hub acts as an intermediary, ensuring that the service provider can interact ‘appropriately’ with the different European eIDs. This flexibility provides the user with a smooth and consistent experience, allowing them to authenticate using their preferred identity provider.

Which digital identities are supported by Namirial ID Hub?

Namirial ID Hub supports different digital identities, including SPID (Italy), CIE (Italy), ID Austria (Austria) and other European eIDs compliant with eIDAS regulations.

Donna d'affari di successo in uno scenario cittadino

Use cases

Banking and Insurance

  • Identification for anti-money laundering and due diligence purposes
  • Access to the user area (home banking)
  • Account opening
  • Activation of policies and online services

Energy and Utilities

  • Activation of new utilities with certain identification and online signing of contracts and disclosures
  • Secure access to restricted area


  • Number portability procedure
  • New SIM activation
  • SIM replacement in case of theft or loss
  • SIM holder change in cases of takeover

E-commerce and Software house

  • Unique login system and secure user identification for cybersecurity and anti-fraud purposes


  • Online check-in with certified data and identity

Human resources

  • Contract signing
  • Hiring-related forms

Success stories

  • Namirial Onboarding helped the online gaming company simplify identity verification and reducing costs and time, while complying with privacy laws.

  • With Namirial’s Onboarding and Electronic Signature, the bank has expanded the methods provided to customers to open a checking account online.

  • With Namirial Onboarding, the hearing aid company has digitized and made its product delivery workflows faster and more secure.

  • The Tlc company has adopted Namirial Onboarding to identify customers and proceed with fast activation of telephony and Internet services.

  • With Namirial Onboarding, the digital bank has simplified and expedited customer recognition for the issuance of new credit cards.

  • Thanks to Namirial ID Hub, the bank that is active in the art market has extended authentication in Italy with SPID/CIE to its Single SIgn-On system.