The POTENTIAL Consortium selected by the European Commission to pursue its journey to digital European identity

Namirial is pleased to have joined its efforts to the European project carried by POTENTIAL

(BRUSSELS / PARIS / SENIGALLIA) – December 22, 2022 – On 14/12/2022, the European Commission announced the results of the LSP on the European Digital Identity Wallet. The POTENTIAL Consortium is thrilled to share that its proposal, submitted in August 2022, has been selected by the European Commission.

148 participants from 19 EU member states and Ukraine gather in the POTENTIAL Consortium to pilot new coming EU Digital Identity Wallet (EUDIW) prototypes in six use cases (“Electronic Government services”, “Account Opening”, “SIM registration”, “Mobile Driving Licence”, “Remote Qualified Electronic Signature”, and “Electronic Prescription”). The POTENTIAL Consortium renews its commitment to implementing these pilots with ambition and determination. Namirial is pleased to have joined its efforts to the European project carried by POTENTIAL.

All POTENTIAL participants are glad to be entrusted by the European Commission to build such pioneering Use Cases for cross-border testing of the digital European Identity.

The POTENTIAL Consortium is now ready to engage into a round of negotiations with DG CONNECT which will be concluded by the signature of the Grant Agreement (GA) and the launch of the project, estimated beginning of May 2023.

More information on POTENTIAL Consortium:


Pending successful conclusion of the Grant Agreement the POTENTIAL Consortium project will be cofounded by the European Union


About Namirial

Namirial is a qualified trust service provider under EU Regulation 910/2014 eIDAS. Together with its international network of over 150 strategic partners, Namirial is serving over three million customers worldwide, processing several millions of transactions every day. Founded in 2000 in Senigallia, Italy, Namirial is operating today out of offices in 18 countries, employing 820 people.

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Media contact
Jörg Lenz, Director MarCom Namirial