BUCHAREST – August 4, 2022: Thanks to new law no. 208/2021 for OUG 36/2021 which went into force July 22, 2022 organizations in Romania can now sign employment contracts digitally in a legally binding manner. The new law is defining advanced and qualified electronic signatures as defined in EU Regulation 910/2014 eIDAS as a legally suitable alternative to handwritten signatures on paper for employment contracts. It is considered an essential milestone in enabling digitization in both the Romanian private and public sectors.
As a pan-european provider for qualified trust services Namirial has been supporting HR departments of globally operating blue chip companies and HR service companies with corresponding services for many years in many countries.
Organizations which implemented electronic signatures and leverage digital instead of physical archiving are saving paper, postage and time, benefit from lean workflows and have fewer sources of error. This strengthens both their competitiveness and transparency towards supervisory authorities.
Romanian enterprises are welcome to tap on this unparalleled expertise of the seasoned Namirial team in Bucharest now and request individual consultations for electronic signature demonstrations, discussing use cases and signing scenarios and last, but not least, e-signature integration into their HR services.