Namirial confirmed again as leader in Digital Transaction Management

Aragon Research Globe™ positions Namirial in Leader Category in Fifth Consecutive Year

(PALO ALTO / SENIGALLIA) – January 21, 2021 – Namirial, a leading supplier in trusted software and services to automate and digitally transform business processes, has been announced once more as a leader in the Aragon Research Globe™ for Digital Transaction Management, 20211.

Namirial is positioned in the leader category of the Digital Transaction Management (DTM) Globe report for the fifth year in a row, evaluated based on completeness of strategy and performance. Namirial is well positioned for continued growth with its expanded leadership team and particular strengths in regulated environments.

Aragon defines Digital Transaction Management as “a category of primarily cloud-based software and services used to digitally manage a wide range of document-centric business processes involving people, documents, data, and transactions both inside and outside the firewall. Digital Transaction Management encompasses identification, authentication, e-signatures, security, and asset management including secure long-term archiving” (see Aragon Business and IT Glossary).

According to the report, “the Digital Transaction Management market saw rapid growth in 2020 because of COVID-19 and remote work. As many employees are working from home, the need for Digital Transaction Management has exploded internally.”

Paperless employee onboarding became a hot topic. Likewise, sales processes shifted from in-person to remote engagements, requiring a massive acceleration in digitizing of agreement processes in use cases such as opening a bank account, initiating a loan agreement, buying insurance coverage, including life insurance, or mobile phone accounts openings.

Aragon’s research forecasts the Digital Transaction Management market will continue its rapid growth as Aragon estimates that as we enter 2021 “less than 45% of all document processes are fully digital.”

The Aragon Research Globe for Digital Transaction Management 2021 report identifies and evaluates 21 major technology vendors Aragon views as key to enabling enterprises to manage their digital transactions. The report is segmented into four sectors (leaders, contenders, innovators and specialists), representing high and low on both product and service performance as well as strategy dimensions.

Some strengths that Aragon Research believes contributed to the placement of Namirial in the report include:

  • Namirial digital transaction management platform eSignAnyWhere is offering all methods to create electronic signatures including digital and biometric.
  • Namirial solutions may be deployed as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) in public and private cloud as well as on premise.
  • Namirial is fully supporting use cases requiring creation of advanced or qualified electronic signatures or electronic seals as Namirial is an accredited Qualified Trust Service Provider (QTSP), according to EU-Regulation 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services eIDAS

“We are very happy to have our leader position in this market. We consider ourselves to be a one-stop-shop for digital transaction management thanks to the breadth and depth of our portfolio” said Massimiliano Pellegrini, Chief Executive Officer of Namirial. “As a response to COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations adopted basic digital transaction management solutions as quick fixes for a few use cases, but now we’re seeing companies investigating enterprise-wide standard solutions. Namirial has proven to be able to meet even the most complex technical and compliance requirements in highly regulated industries.”

The Aragon Research report is also covering the race to a common digital identity: “We believe that eIDAS is the most robust set of standards and digital signatures are a must-have option in Europe. Because the shift to a common digital identity is still a work in progress, each country still requires and accepts different types of identity. Europe remains ahead of the U.S. and Asia in what it will accept for a digital signature.”


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About Namirial

Namirial is a multinational provider of information technology. The provision of solutions for trusted digital transaction management is Namirial’s core business. These solutions aggregated in a unique platform include applications for identifying and authenticating users, workflows for orchestrating signatures, providing certificates for generating electronic signatures and electronic seals, procedures for long-term archiving, procedures for electronic invoices, and electronic delivery services

Namirial is certified as a qualified trust service provider under EU Regulation 910/2014 eIDAS, accelerating digitization of private sector and public administration. Together with its international network of over 120 partners, Namirial is serving over one million customers worldwide. The company was founded in 2000 in Senigallia, Italy. Namirial is operating today in 20 locations in five countries, employing 440 people, processing several millions of transactions every day.

About Aragon Research

Aragon Research is an independent research and advisory firm providing business and IT executives with the actionable insights they need to navigate technology’s ever-evolving impact on business. Aragon Research delivers high-impact visual research, consulting, and advisory services to provide enterprises the insight they need to make better technology and strategy decisions.

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1 Aragon Research “The Aragon Research Globe™ for Digital Transaction Management, 2021” by Jim Lundy, January 2021.