Meet Namirial at Digital Transformation  

November 17, 2024
flag country Malta Malta

During “Digital Transformation”, the challenges and potential solutions companies face in making their organizations less paper-based and more digital are highlighted. Many companies don’t know where to start; others have digitized parts of the organization but don’t have a concrete overall plan and are not yet taking full advantage of digitization.    

Malta’s leading authorities on artificial intelligence will talk about how artificial intelligence should be made a central element of any digitization strategy and show examples of how it is already working in Maltese companies.    

International speakers representing various digitization-related technology companies will highlight potential pitfalls and concrete solutions in their presentations. 

Adrian Dinculescu, Head of Sales and Service CEE, will give a presentation on “Digital Signatures 101 – What types of signatures are there and what is EIDAS anyway?”. 

From 2028, EU member states are to make it mandatory to provide a wallet for digital identities in which they can link their national digital identity with proof of other personal attributes (e.g., driver’s license, degree certificates, bank account, etc.). This could simplify numerous processes in banking, especially for new customers (customer onboarding). Work is currently underway on the technical details, standards and best practices for providing attributes and functionality to the wallet. Namirial, together with others, is active in one of the Large Scale Pilots (LSP) for the application of a digital wallet for European digital identities (European Digital Wallet, EUDIW).  

News about Namirial’s involvement in the POTENTIAL consortium  

However, these are still dreams of the future and enterprises need to act and digitize now as the current macro economic climate puts them under severe pressure. They need solutions that will enable them to reduce their costs as quickly as possible and remain competitive. This is particularly true for businesses with a cost-intensive branch network and/or a large employee base. Digitization must encompass the omnichannel, otherwise new silos are created. As a result, more and more institutions are turning to Namirial process orchestration solution for their highly regulated use cases, which includes legitimation, signature, secure document delivery and archiving, including at the qualified level. Namirial experts will provide individual advice, together with our partners from Advantech, at “Digital Transformation” on which solutions can be deployed now and in the future.  

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