Many open hands that together hold a ball made of grass on which the map of the Earth can be seen

Digital technology for sustainable growth

At Namirial we have always been committed to sustainability, convinced that the only pursuable goal is economic growth that respects the environment and territories and aims to increase people’s well-being. We are aware that we live in a unique and fragile environment with limited resources. This drives us to manage our processes more and more efficiently.

Smiling woman with a tablet and a plantation behind her. A man with a tablet takes care of plants in a greenhouse.
Smiling woman with a tablet and a plantation behind her.  A highway that passes through a forest.

Protecting the planet and future generations

Thanks to our technology and solutions, we accompany companies, professionals, citizens and public administrations on the path of digital transformation of their work processes.

By helping them reduce the environmental and social impact of their activities, we thereby contribute to the achievement of their sustainability as well.

A man with a tablet takes care of plants in a greenhouse. A smiling young woman.
A highway that passes through a forest. A smiling young woman.
Ambienta Sgr logo

Since May 2020, Namirial has been controlled by Ambienta SGR S.p.A., Europe’s largest private equity fund focused entirely on environmental sustainability and a leader in applying environmental trends to financial investments.

A technician with protective helmet and laptop in a green field with wind turbines

Our ESG contribution

The numbers of our digital trust services and software solutions, with their positive impact in terms of environmental savings, indicate our real contribution to sustainability.

Digital transactions in 2023:


SaaS transactions


long-term archived documents


digital onboarding


qualified electronic signature solutions

Environmental savings in one year:


tons of paper


toe of energy


m3 of water


tons of CO2


m3 of landfill