Namirial » Success Stories » Banking e finance
Banking e finance
With eSignAnyWhere and Digital Certificates, Finstreet implemented electronic signatures in its online platform aimed at banking and financial service providers.
With Namirial Onboarding, the leading Buy Now Pay Later company has fully digitized its online services.
Mediobanca Premier
With Namirial’s Onboarding and Electronic Signature, the bank has expanded the methods provided to customers to open a checking account online.
With Namirial Onboarding, the digital bank has simplified and expedited customer recognition for the issuance of new credit cards.
Kruso Kapital
Thanks to Namirial ID Hub, the bank that is active in the art market has extended authentication in Italy with SPID/CIE to its Single SIgn-On system.
Orange Bank
With Namirial’s Certified Communication, the bank introduced digital notification and reduced cost and time of certified communications to customers.
With Namirial Onboarding and the use of electronic signatures, the finance company has digitized the entire consumer credit application flow.