Joerg Lenz
Head of Marketing & Communication at Namirial
Jörg Lenz is Head of Marketing and Communication at Namirial, one of the leading providers of qualified trust services in accordance with the EU eIDAS regulation.
Since 1999, he has been dealing holistically with the legal, technical, business and organisational requirements for the application of electronic signatures in the private sector as well as in public administration.
Jörg Lenz’s specialist topics include the orchestration of signature workflows, procedures for identification and authentication including biometrics, digital identity, ID wallets and various procedures for generating electronic signatures and seals. He is intensively involved with the framework conditions for the use of these technologies for their application in regulated industries such as finance, telecommunications and energy supply as well as in public administration.
He contributes his expertise to the working groups and discussion groups of various national and international organisations. In doing so, he follows the design and revision of guidelines, regulations and laws – among others in the Bitkom working group on the application of electronic trust services. Currently, he is particularly concerned with the revision of the eIDAS Regulation.